To mark Biel turning 33 on March 3, Timberlake posted an Instagram photo in which the couple are huddled together as he looks down lovingly at his wife.
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Summing up just how much he adores Biel, he captioned it: Happy Bday to the sweetest, most GORGEOUS, goofiest, most BAD-ASS chick I know. You make me smile til it hurts. I love you like crazy! —Your Huz. If this is anything to go by, we d bet Timberlake writes the sweetest love notes.
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Although Biel is due to give birth to the couple s first child soon, the actress is still busy working on her upcoming movie, The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea. And ever the doting huz, Timberlake paid her a visit on set in New Orleans on her pre-birthday weekend.
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